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The Last Journey

During my journey to office, I pass by a grave yard. The place looks quiet and peaceful even with all the noise and mad rush outside. The atmosphere is just right, for the people to rest in their graves. There is an old gulmohar tree inside, though its branches have become old, the flowers are bright orange and give a sweet fragrance. Just a look at them will make a bereaved person forget his grief and sorrow. But these flowers don’t remain young and fresh forever, they wither and fall on the graves below, as if even these flowers want to rest like the person inside the grave. Even as they die they decorate these graves with their petals and fragrance. The dead flowers are replaced by new ones and cycle continues.

That’s how life is, there is birth...there is death, there is happiness…there is sorrow. All of us celebrate in happiness so even sufferings and grief should be borne with equanimity. One should not lose heart and expression of grief and sorrow should never be allowed to exceed the limits of moderation. There is no person in this world who is immune from some sort of failure, frustration, calamity, sorrow and deprivation.

Succumbing to the tide or grief, giving oneself up totally to grief should not be how one should mourn. One should bear calamities with composure and give an account of him in patience and resignation. Whatever has happened is according to Will of God: none of Whose commands is without significance and wisdom and that whatever He does is for betterment of His creatures, having some positive aspect. One should feel a kind of spiritual tranquility and peace and its soothing effect in the midst of grief and this aspect of destiny makes things easier.

Verily we belong to God and to Him we shall return. We were created from this very earth, We shall be returning to the same and We shall rise again from this earth.
The Last Journey The Last Journey Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, December 20, 2008 Rating: 5

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