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Illusion of Luck

In the evening when I return from work, I pass a lottery shop. I see a lot of people outside, trying out their luck. One person whose stands out from the crowd is an old woman. Thin, short, fragile, grey hair is how she accounts for. I see her every day, standing next to the lottery terminal, with a prayer on her lips. One chance, one opportunity, just one moment can change her life forever. What makes her try her luck again and again? What makes her think that even if she wins, she will be able to life her live comfortably? Is luck real? Or is it just an illusion? Some people have to find out the hard way.

Gambling makes a person rely on accidents, luck and wishful thinking for his earnings, instead of hard work, the sweat of his brow and his self respect. Some things only appear to be by luck or coincidence because of our limited knowledge. There is no such thing like luck, but there is something called as destiny. If something happens, it was destined to happen that way. Destiny can be defined as knowledge that what hits you was not going to miss you, and that what misses you was not going to hit you. The foremost energies cannot pierce the walls of foreordained destinies.

Luck is not real. It only exists in mind.
Illusion of Luck Illusion of Luck Reviewed by Unknown on Sunday, December 21, 2008 Rating: 5


  1. wazza man.. long time.. no post..

    in other news.. i posted :)

  2. you aren't lucky with any new blogs?


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