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If wishes were horses.....

Every one has a list of material things to do before one dies.Here is my list of 15 things i want to do before i die.

15.Own a Horse.

14.Learn to play the Guitar.
13.Around the world in 100 Days.
12.Get lost in a jungle and find a way out..(Inspired by Man v/s Wild)
11. A trip into space.
10. Eat spinach
9.Own a latest Ferrari.
8.Learn to cook.
7.Wear suits at work.
6.Own a company.
5.Go on a blind date.
4.Get myself a Swiss Army Knife.
3. Bunjee jumping.
2.Get Rich or Die trying.
1. Understand Women.(Guess i have to take many births for this one)

If wishes were horses..... If wishes were horses..... Reviewed by Unknown on Thursday, November 22, 2007 Rating: 5


  1. Why would me or as a matter of fact anyone be interested in what your wishes are!!!!!!

  2. dude this is my space.i cn write whatever i feel like.

  3. Did it occur to you that all your even numbered wishes are very much gettable ??

  4. Blogger's block Syndrome!!!!

    no blogs for a long time now!!!!

  5. yeh netsonix..i m going thro' blogger's block ;)


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