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The Company Bus..MH-43-4321

I take the company bus to my office,so why not blog on it.Got the idea to write on this topic while i was travelling.Its a complete world by it self. You get the see all kinds in it.OK, so i would divide the entire 56 seat er bus population into 3 kinds.But before that i would like to say that the company bus follows an Omerta.

1)If somebody takes the same seat for more than a week,that his.You cant take that seat.
2)You have to earn respect here. Late comers lose their respect.You have to respect other's time.
3)Bus co-coordinator are like God.They make the rules here and only have the right to break them.
4)No snooping around on other guys girl. That's a strict NO-NO.
5)If you get something to eat, take your share and forget about the rest of the food.Empty box shall be returned to you, don't worry about that.

OK, now lets talk about the crowd...sorry families here.

1) The Joint Family
This forms majority of the company bus population. I would say around 65% of the total bus population comprises of them. This kind of tribe is easily noticeable.
They can be found as a bunch of 4,6,8's. Don't know why even numbers? They are the loudest bunch and they make a lot of sound.They talk on topics like politics,current events,latest movies...and yea office gossip. They are the one who start and spread gossip's and rumours.Its pretty tough getting into the family and
once you get in you cant leave.

2) Nuclear Family
Lovey-Dove couples form this family. The have a very weak population around 15% i would say.Most of the time they come from the Joint family. They are a quite
bunch and don't interfere with other's biz. If late the girl is late,guy halts the bus for her.You can see them fight,whisper sweet nothings..And nobody disturbs them.

3)Single and Ready to mingle
They form the remaining 20% of the population.They are a lonely bunch. They can spotted with their pod,reading newspaper,chatting on the cell-phone. This is the most notorious crowd specially the guys. Girls fear them..whistling,flirting,eve-teasing... These guys never waste a single moment to impress the girls. After wooing a girl he move onto The Nuclear Family.And as for the girls in this group.they are rocking. Tanks-top,low-waist, name it they will wear it.

Oh no its time for me to catch the bus ;D. Yea i forgot..i belong to "Single & Ready to mingle" family..

The Company Bus..MH-43-4321 The Company Bus..MH-43-4321 Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 Rating: 5


  1. Thats a nice write-up
    I kinda share the same feeling....keep more of them comming

  2. Is that a company bus or a local train!!!


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