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Strength of Character...senorita

Weakness is not a human trait, cause we wouldn't have gotten this far had we been weak. Some earthquake or volcano or Mammoth would have ended our evolutionary run. So why is it now that we have lots of pansies there?
Why is everyone lacking strength of character?Why doesn't everyone stand up for what is correct? Why is everyone trying to be politically correct and not just correct? Why is everyone turned off, stop caring and settling for life of mediocrity?
My teacher taught this is school. In every stage of our we shall find two paths. One will be right other wrong. If you choose the wrong path, maybe initially you will be successfully, happy or feel on top of the world cause the wrong path will lure you towards itself. But the end is always failure, sadness,hatred. If you choose the right path, it will always have obstacles, failure at the start. But in the end you will come out as a winner. Nothing good in life is easy; that one must work hard and smart and do the right things in life.
Strength of Character...senorita Strength of Character...senorita Reviewed by Unknown on Sunday, May 04, 2008 Rating: 5

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