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The Speaking Cow!!

On a pleasant Sunday afternoon, I stepped out of my house to pick up some fruits. I had planned for a heavy lunch and heavier afternoon nap. On my way back, I saw a mentally challenged man speaking with a cow. I stopped in my tracks to hear the conversation.

That man was uttering some gibberish which I couldn’t understand. I am not sure whether the cow understood what the man was telling. But she responded with a loud moo each time he paused. Quite a funny sight that was, I moved on with a smile on my face and thought nothing different from what we see every day.

With all due respect to my co-workers, at workplace one can find such speaking cows. Whenever a speaker giving presentation, asks a question they nod like a cow and reply in unison “Yes...No” and when asking a question they moo like cows. They hog the airtime, more than wanting to know, they want to be heard.

Another thing that these cows do is moo “SIR”. Once a trainee addressed me with Sir, even before she could finish her sentence I interrupted her saying the Queen of England is yet to confer knighthood to me. A trainee using this word doesn’t surprise me, but an employee using it makes me wonder.

And not to forget the “Mexican waves” and “Good Morning Sir” in unison when the boss walks down the hallway. Why do people desire servility, obedience and submissive behavior so much?
The Speaking Cow!! The Speaking Cow!! Reviewed by Unknown on Sunday, November 01, 2009 Rating: 5


  1. The blood from pre-independence period still runs in our veins.

  2. Dear we always hear and never listen


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