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I Have A Dream!!!

No this blog post is not about Obama :). It’s about dreams and its realization. Each of us a have dream and most of us strive to turn our dreams into reality. While there is nothing wrong in dreaming big, problem comes when one is not able to achieve it. There are so many things that we dream of accomplishing, but it never works out. Between the point of conceiving a dream and its realization, there is always a time frame. Smaller dreams achieved, helps us in our bigger dream.

There is one guy in my office who dreamt BIG. But he didn’t realize that the BIGGER the dream, the more time it takes in its realization. Seeing nothing working like he had planned, he lost his patience. He became very violent and would keep muttering to himself. He lost his sense of time and was arrested by the police roaming on the street. Doctors diagnosed him with acute depression.

It’s very important to hold onto our dreams, when its looks like a futile attempt. If you have the ability to dream it you have the ability to DO IT!!
I Have A Dream!!! I Have A Dream!!! Reviewed by Unknown on Friday, November 14, 2008 Rating: 5


  1. Having a dream and holding on to it is always risky, because it is out of the ordinary mate. It forces you to push the limits, challenge you and your surroundings.

    But then, it is important because dreamlessness is stagnation and stagnation is death. Its almost necessary to attempt to flesh out your dream. You might not realize the whole of it, but the very effort you put in would exorcise a few demons, bring measured success and make you a fuller, happier person. (Case in point - Not everyone might end up starting the world's largest grassroots oil refinery, but putting in the Ambanisque effort to go to Yemen and deliver Shell oil tins might itself be edifying)

    When you have a dream, its important to take a few baby steps towards it, else frustration builds up.

  2. I feel you should have a one big dream and many smaller dreams. Realisation of smaller dreams ultimately leads to realisation of the big dream.


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