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Take my advice, I don't use it anyway!

While browsing the Internet, one can easily come across "Free Advice"..Be it Love,Business,Relationships..and many more. Why is it that people love to take advice that they are going to ignore it anyway.
I make it a policy to never give advice unless someone asks for it at least three times. And it is not possible to give advice without involved discussion. Also, most people do not like to receive advice. I have found that they seldom truly want it, or heed it.What they seek to hear is an affirmation of their own conclusions.
I think one should stop telling people what they already know..Like if you tell a smoker to stop smoking..He wont. He knows the harmful effects of smoking, much more than you do. If you want people to listen to your "pearls of wisdom", you stop telling and start asking.Isn't it a slap in the face to someone of knowledge when some of little knowledge tries to give advice to them.
Don't tell a smoker to quit smoking. In fact ask him why he smokes, why he finds hard to quit, has he tried quitting before. But you should only give them your advice if you can honestly give them a better option than the many they have tried before.
The best advice you can give to give no advice at all.
Take my advice, I don't use it anyway! Take my advice, I don't use it anyway! Reviewed by Unknown on Friday, September 05, 2008 Rating: 5

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